
Can You Repair Sun-Damaged Skin with Red Light Therapy at Home?

Summer is the season of lazy lounging and sunbathing, making up for all those cold months spent mostly indoors or wrapped up layer after layer. However, as you prepare to enjoy your hazy summer days, there’s one thing you shouldn’t get lazy about: sun protection.

When it comes to sun exposure, sunburn isn’t the only thing to worry about. Its effects are cumulative, leading to skin damage and premature ageing. In fact, it’s the main cause behind 80% of all visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles, sun spots, and loss of skin tone. The key to preventing these signs is prevention, which is much easier than reversing the effects down the road. Unfortunately, not everyone can maintain a rigorous sun protection routine for their skin. 

The good news is that reversing and preventing sun damage is possible, especially with the help of red light therapy at home. Delve into why adding this treatment to your summer skin routine can help you maintain that youthful skin all summer long with the team at ROJO. 

How Red Light Therapy Helps Prevent Sun Damage

Sun exposure may be the root cause of sun damage, but it’s important to note that not all kinds of sun rays are inherently harmful. For years, doctors have been touting the benefits of exposing yourself to the early morning sun, and for good reason. Not only does this provide your daily vitamin D requirement, but there is also growing evidence that it can help precondition the skin against sun damage that typically occurs later in the day.

Before the sun rises, the existing light is heavy on red and near-infrared frequencies. Based on an evolutionary perspective, researchers cite that exposure to these phenomena trigger photo-prevention or photoprotection, a biochemical process that helps the skin cope with molecular damage caused by sunlight. 

A few studies have discovered that red light therapy can mimic these and provide the same preconditioning effects on the skin. In one case from 2008, participants received red light treatment on one thigh before UV light exposure on both legs. Researchers discovered that the treatment created an SPF-like effect, protecting the skin and also significantly reducing erythema or redness.  

How Red Light Therapy at Home Can Repair Sun-Damaged Skin

More and more clinics all over the world are offering red light therapy as part of their services because of its proven anti-ageing effects on the skin. More often than not, people who undergo consistent treatment experience firmer skin and a reduced appearance of wrinkles. This is attributed to red light therapy’s ability to boost the production of collagen, an essential protein that maintains the tone and structure of the body’s tissue and organs.

An increased level of collagen helps renew and repair skin, especially from sun damage. This often results in reduced hyperpigmentation, reduced appearance of lines, lightening of dark spots, and more youthful-looking skin. 

Key Takeaway

While red light therapy is not a replacement for effective prevention measures against sun damage, it can be an excellent supplement. However, it’s necessary to remember that consistency is the key to reap benefits from red light therapy at home. With a ROJO red light panel, you can benefit from efficient daily treatments at a fraction of the price of professional sessions. Our red light panels are also tried and tested ensuring the highest quality for home use. 

Ready to stop sun damage at its tracks? Shop our ROJO Red Light Therapy panels now! Contact us for more inquiries. 

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Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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